Happy Black History Month. We often spend the 28 days of February talking about the leaders & legends of the Black community. 99.5% of the time, folks are highlighting men. Slowly & silently, forgetting that women played important roles in the Black community , from leading local civil rights organizations to serving as lawyers on school segregation lawsuits to fighting to keep our Black men and boys alive TODAY.
Women have been the backbone of the Black community since DAY 1.
Let us never forget:
Because of Coretta, Martin could.
Because of Betty, Malcolm could.
Because of Michelle, Obama could.
Because of Shirley, Kamala could.
Because of Stacey, the State of Georgia could and did.
Because of Maxine, we are all RECLAIMING our time.
There are many more amazing Black women that were, are and will be the catalyst in the continuous fight of equality in the Black community.
Because of these women and many more, women like me, are able to stand on a solid foundation and do our part of creating a world that will allow our babies to succeed without fear of DEATH!
As Queen Bey said: “I can do for you what Martin did for the people – ran by the men but the women keep the tempo. ..”
When you write, say and/or create the black community narratives, do not leave out the importance of Black women, known and unknown.
Because of Black women, you can…..
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